Start a Village Project
in your Community

The Village project cannot exist without volunteers becoming involved in their communities.

Volunteers can consist of church home cell groups, a circle of friends, individuals with extra time on their hands, family members or philanthropists already working in their communities.  Some individuals have the organisational skills, other have the time and some have the resources. If everyone in your group has a passion for the needy and feel want to make a change in this world, you have a winning team!

Let's get you going

  1. Get your group together and determine your strength pool. Ideally, your group needs the following role players (the same individual can also fulfil more than one duty):
    • Convener / Team leader – the person who will champion your project group
    • Administration controller – in charge of generating funds
    • Crèche liaisons member – support and train the crèche personnel
    • Data controller – to capture the data once per month and send it to the SWF head office
    • Logistics coordinator – order and receive StartWell cereal and distribute it to schools.
  2. Contact us to set up a Google Meets training session.
  3. Identify one or more ECDs in your local community.
  4. Launch your project and get proper food for the children you now support.

Ready to start your Village Project?

Please fill in your details and we will be in contact with you to get you going!

Start Village Project

Frequently Asked Questions

How will we generate income?

There are lots of ways to raise funds - for example donations and fundraising projects. Remember, all donors are entitled to receive an 18A certificate when donating to a NPO. Companies use this for the BEE grading so many are very keen to support a good trustworthy cause and get their 18A certificates at the same time. The Inani StartWell Foundation will issue these certificate to your donors. You can also apply for funding through the Inani SatrtWell Foundation. Contact us to explain the procedure.

Can I champion the project on my own?

Yes. As a solo philanthropist you can roll out your own project and do everything yourself.


Can we as church implement the Village project as one of our church projects?

Yes. Churches normally have eager volunteers passionate about serving their community. Church members trust the institution and will easily donate towards a worthy cause such as the Village Project.


What is the minimum and maximum number of schools a project team can support?

As few as one school, and as many as your capacity, time and budget allows.


Is the project limited to pre-schools and ECD’s?

Yes. The critical growth years are from birth to 5 years of age. To successfully intervene and prevent stunting, the first 1000 days in a child’s life are essential. The growth capture data is also designed to monitor children within this age group and by monitoring their monthly growth, children with potential stunting problems can be identified as early as possible.


Is our project group limited to supply only the StartWell meal?

Yes and No. Within the understanding of children’s nutritional needs, additional food such as eggs and milk products can be supplied. The Village Project management team will address this during your training. But these extra foods need to be in addition to the daily portion of StartWell cereal.


The ECD we support also have a few babies. From what age can solid food be introduced and can they eat the same StartWell Grow meal as the older children?

MAMI is an acronym for “management of at-risk mothers and infants under six months of age” which concerns the identification and care of at risk mothers and infants under 6 months, with particular interest in nutrition vulnerability. We have developed a specifically formulated product called the Inani Baby for babies from 6 - 12 months. The best option is to prepare this with breast milk, but mixing with water will still ensure the baby receives sufficient growth nutrients.


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Become part of this initiative to help establish the Startwell Foundation as a leading role player in the fight against chronic malnutrition and childhood stunting amongst South African children.

Registered NGO: 207-917 NPO  |  PBO Nr.: 930 062 425

B-BBEE Level 1 and able to issue Article 18A Tax Certificates due to NPC status

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