Donate Now

Let's help young children thrive by supporting them with a daily nutrient-rich meal.

We are a registered Non-Profit Company and can issue donors with Section 18A Tax Certificates. Contact us for your 18A Certificate: [email protected]

We are a registered Non-Profit Company and can issue donors with Section 18A Tax Certificates.
Contact us for your 18A Certificate:
 [email protected]

Account Name: INANI StartWell Foundation NPC
Bank Name: First National Bank
Account Type: Current Account
Account No: 62760073892

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Become part of this initiative to help establish the Startwell Foundation as a leading role player in the fight against chronic malnutrition and childhood stunting amongst South African children.

Registered NGO: 207-917 NPO  |  PBO Nr.: 930 062 425

B-BBEE Level 1 and able to issue Article 18A Tax Certificates due to NPC status

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